Terms & Conditions

The present general terms and conditions of purchase and sale apply without restriction to all visitors, to any foreign exchange transaction of purchase or sale on its premises and its customer, hereinafter referred to as.

Customer means any person who has carried out the following operations. The fact of visiting and/or placing an order with the payment of a deposit, of reserving without the payment of a deposit, of placing a purchase order online, of placing a purchase or sale order in an agency, of proceeding with a deposit, on our premises, of a transaction completed or in progress, of being the holder of the account debited or credited and the actual beneficiary of the transaction or his agent, implies full and complete acceptance of the present general terms and conditions of sale, which the buyer or visitor acknowledges having read prior to any operations.

Article 1: Description of goods purchased and sold: INTERCHANGE, a bank-accredited establishment, carries out foreign currency purchases and sales in its capacity as a authorized manual money changer. It also offers the WESTERN UNION money transfer service, subject to the brand’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale, available at the branch or on their website (www.westernunion.com).

Article 1Bis: Some of our branches offer an investment precious metals trading service and are registered with the appropiate guarantee register.

Article 2: Prices: INTERCHANGE sets its buying and selling prices on the basis of the interbank rates communicated by the European Central Bank and the main quotation banks, subject to the application of a percentage, either negative or positive, known as commission or brokerage, which varies according to the product. The buying and selling prices of currencies communicated in the agency are updated daily. They are net of charges, whatever the method of payment chosen by the customer (cash or credit card). For currency reservations without payment on order, the rate applied will be that of the day of withdrawal. Exchange rates vary daily and are updated shortly before 12:00. If the financial markets fluctuate sharply during the day, the buying and selling exchange rates for banknotes may rise or fall without notice (very rarely, for example, and especially for rarer “exotic” currencies such as Iceland or South Korea). If such exchange rate variations are also recorded on the most common currencies, causing an unexpected drop in the rates of common and/or exotic currencies, our buying and selling rates are immediately readjusted without prior notice, and may under no circumstances be lower than our cost price.

Article 3: Orders: To place an order, it is imperative that the customer bring his or her identity card, both when ordering and when collecting the goods, and the appropriate method of payment inherent in the transaction. Payment is made when the order is placed. The exchange rate for foreign currencies is fixed at the time the order is placed (except in the case of unstable markets, sudden depreciation or inflation of the international exchange rate at the time the order is placed, for which we cannot be held responsible). All our orders are prepared and recorded under video control. Any order placed for which payment is not received within 48h is automatically cancelled.

Article 4: Payment methods: INTERCHANGE accepts payments by CASH, credit card and bank transfer. A proof of identity will be required for all cash payments and CB payments starting from the 1st EUR. Anonymous prepaid checks and credit cards are not accepted.

Article 5: Payment: In the event of a purchase by the customer, payment is made when the order is placed. If the exchange is immediate and in agency, this payment intervenes just before the reception of currencies at the time of the counter invoicing. In the event of a sale by the customer, payment is made immediately after verification of the authenticity of the currency sold by the customer. If necessary, INTERCHANGE may request a counter-examination from a colleague or a regional branch of the given national bank before proceeding with payment, thereby extending the payment period initially agreed.

Article 6: Invoicing: All transactions, whatever their amount or nature, are the subject of an INTERCHANGE headed ticket/receipt mentioning the date and time the transaction was carried out, the transaction number, whether it was a purchase or a sale, the name of the currencies exchanged, the quantity, their net price for exchange, rate and/or rate, the quotation rate and the brokerage. The customer’s identification details are systematically recorded when the order is placed and/or completed when the order is collected. All operations carried out by bank transfer or credit card are nominative. The identification details of the identity card or passport are recorded and kept in our computer database, regardless of the amount or nature of the transaction. Under no circumstances will information on the customer’s identity be communicated to third parties for marketing purposes. This information remains strictly confidential, and is used solely for the purposes of the bank’s activities, which are governed by the Monetary and Financial Code. Foreign exchange transactions settled in cash are nominative and are subject to the same request for identification by our services, with the compulsory presentation of the customer’s identity document, as soon as they total a nominal or cumulative amount of transactions equal to or greater than one thousand euros, or as soon as the establishment deems it necessary if it considers that there may be a succession of future transactions exceeding or not exceeding this threshold. INTERCHANGE may also request and mention the customer’s surname and first name on the ticket for currency exchange operations involving banknotes only, occasional transactions and small amounts; otherwise, the transaction remains anonymous. Whenever a customer regularly carries out currency exchange transactions, even for small amounts, he or she is asked for his or her identity at the counter. The customer’s account contains details of transactions already carried out, identification details, telephone number, e-mail address and, where applicable, general information such as the source and destination of funds (by means of a bank identity statement), the purpose of the funds (speculation, investment, purchase of various goods, sale of a vehicle, tourist stay, etc.), in order to comply with current regulations applicable to manual money changers concerning the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Article 7: Delivery = compulsory collection at the branch: Collection at the branch is compulsory, whatever the request and the amount. All currency orders placed from our agency are collected from our premises. Home delivery is not possible. From the moment the exchange is completed, the goods are under the personal responsibility and insurance of the beneficiary customer or agent, who declares that he/she is personally responsible for them.

Article 8: Trading area: For legal and security reasons, and in order to facilitate verification of the origin of the funds we process, all purchases and sales are carried out by means of payment originating from and destined exclusively for the territory of the country the branch operates in. INTERCHANGE accepts, in return for the purchase of foreign currency, payments by bank transfer only from bank accounts denominated in euros.

Article 9: Monetary and Financial Code: INTERCHANGE, in its capacity as a “manual cash changer”, applies the obligations of the Monetary and Financial Code in all its operating, control and compliance procedures.

Article 10: Declarations, Anti-Money Laundering Service: INTERCHANGE makes all necessary declarations incumbent upon the exercise of its function, in particular with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Where applicable, any transaction may be the subject of such a declaration to the intelligence service. This may result in the cancellation of a transaction in progress on the recommendation of TRACFIN. INTERCHANGE makes every effort to ensure the complete identity of its customers from the 1st EUR. INTERCHANGE may, at any time during or after a transaction, request its customers to provide any document proving their identity, bank details, proof of address or additional information concerning their professional activity. Any refusal to provide these documents may, without further formality, lead to the cancellation or postponement of a transaction already completed or in progress.

Article 11: Personal data collected: In accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you, which you may exercise by writing to INTERCHANGE, to our nearest branch or by e-mail to enquiries@interchangefx.com. All data collected concerning you is intended exclusively for processing your transactions on our site and in our agencies, and for improving our service. Under no circumstances is it passed on to third parties for marketing purposes. We collect them for purely regulatory purposes concerning the activity of manual money changers. The information recorded is reserved for the use of INTERCHANGE and may only be communicated to the following recipients, where applicable in accordance with the regulations in force governing the activity of manual money changers in the context of the fight against money laundering and the processing of intelligence, action against clandestine financial circuits in application of the Monetary and Financial Code. The customer’s approval of the finalization of an operation confirms his consent to the recording of personal data strictly necessary for INTERCHANGE to apply the regulations in force governing its activity.

Article 12: Applicable law: These conditions are governed exclusively by the applicable laws of the given country the branch operates in. The activity of manual money changer is subject to the Monetary and Financial Codes.

INTERCHANGE will not be bound by any condition opposed by the customer to its general terms and conditions of sale, unless expressly accepted in advance by INTERCHANGE.

The fact that INTERCHANGE does not avail itself of any clause of the present terms and conditions may not be interpreted as a waiver of the right to avail itself of any of them at a later date. Likewise, INTERCHANGE may invoke any other applicable law, rule, usage or condition which it may have omitted to mention in these general terms and conditions and which it may deem necessary to invoke when settling a dispute between it and its customer. These present terms and conditions are in no way restrictive with regard to the defense of the interests and property of INTERCHANGE and its directors.

Article 13: Consumer Mediator In the event of an unresolved complaint, the consumer may refer the matter to the Consumer Mediator in accordance with the applicable article(s) of the Consumer Code.